31/12/2018 - A few weeks back most of the Aberdeen bypass finally opened, first talked about in the 1950's, it's been a long wait for folk round here. I can't put into words the level of excitement this has caused. It's all folk have been talking about for the last few weeks (apart from that new RSC!).
Today I thought we would have a trip south on it to see what all the excitement was about. We decided to head to the Caterthun hillforts. I'd been to White Caterthun years ago but for some strange reason I didn't visit Brown Caterthun at the same time! Very odd.
We parked up at the roadside layby between the hills just past 9 o'clock. We went first to White Caterthun. It's such a fine hillfort, great walls and a lovely cup marked rock. Next it was time to climb our last hill, Tump, top, call it what you want! of the year. It's an easy stroll up (no cows which was a bonus). Brown Caterthun hillfort might not be as impressive as its neighbour but it's still a good one. It's big! Lots of grassed over ramparts. You can easily find a quiet spot for a brew and a bite to eat. The views all around from both forts are fantastic.
It was a fine way to end the year and that new bit of road round Aberdeen was quite good too :-)
A fair walk to the place especially if you have just "done" the White Caterthun, but well worth it in my opinion; if only for the view of the flat top of it's sexier White sister. There is a lot more to see in the winter with less heather and of course only the grouse for company.