Sites on Burn Moor Complex

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Image of Burn Moor Complex by Chance

The circle or rather circles, on Burn Moor, near West Water, Cumberland, are described by Mr. Williams as consisting of a 100-foot circle, formed of forty-four stones, beyond which, at a distance of 25 feet is an outer circle of fourteen large stones. A niche or square enclosure on one side of the inner circle contains a cairn 25 feet in diameter, and within the circle are four others, irregularly spaced, and measuring 21 to 25 feet in diameter; each like the circle itself, surrounded by fourteen stones. These, on being opened, were found to contain a rude chamber formed of five stones, in which were found remains of burnt bones, horns of stags, and other animals.
‘Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries,’ iii. p.225.

Image credit: Williams - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries
Image of Burn Moor Complex by GLADMAN

Looking towards the site of the BurnMoor complex across Eskdale. Note the very steep ascent from Boot (far left) and that Wast Water lies beyond the skyline ridge of Illgill Head. The viewpoint is Birker Fell (Harter Fell).

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Burn Moor Complex by The Eternal

29/04/06 Another burial cairn E of Brat’s Hill, looking W. One of many. On this perfect bank holiday Saturday it didn’t matter that I was up to my neck in old stones – just to be there was perfection, with the larks in the air, the liquid call of the Curlew, a Raven, black as night, quartering the sky, and a fresh breeze blowing up from the west, sighing through the yellow grasses. I’ve been out on t’hill all day in the sunshine, spring has finally sprung, the new lambs have just been born, and it’s good to be alive...... behind, if you’re interested, is the ridge of Whin Rigg and Illgill Head, which I traversed earlier in the day. Settle down Beavis.

Image credit: The Eternal
Image of Burn Moor Complex by The Eternal

29/04/06 Burial cairn E of Brat’s Hill. One of many. Viewed looking E.

Image credit: The Eternal
Image of Burn Moor Complex by The Eternal

29/04/06 Brat’s Hill and White Moss from somewhere near the overgrown and illusive Low Longmoss, on a lovely April day.

Image credit: The Eternal
Image of Burn Moor Complex by The Eternal

29/04/06 The Burnmoor comple from the lower eastern slopes of Whin Rigg, just above Miterdale, on a lovely day.

Image credit: The Eternal
Image of Burn Moor Complex by Moth

You have to climb this hill from Boot in Eskdale. That’s Boot. Yes, it’s steep...probably marginally steeper than it looks in this photo!!

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Burn Moor Complex by IronMan

This possible cairn lies just off the path leading up to the circles, I couldn’t find any reference to it.


Burn Moor Complex

Once more the weather Gods smile on me; looking at the forecast a few days earlier it was so grim I toyed with the notion of postponing my visit planned a couple of months beforehand. I’m so glad I didn’t; to echo previous comments, and allowing for Julian’s need to limit the number of sites featured in TMA, I still can’t quite understand why this amazing complex didn’t make the cut. To employ a term I’m sure he’d approve of, it’s a veritable megalithic mindfuck of a place, the moorland scattered with cairns and circles in various states of ruination/preservation. On this wondrously sunny afternoon I can’t think of anywhere better to be, Scafell Pike looming majestically over the wide sweep of the landscape within which these monuments sit. With my customary inability to read a map correctly I not only take the wrong (and very steep) left-hand route up the hillside (instead of the gentler path to the right of the gate out of Boot) but also go left instead of right at the top, certain that the circles lie in that direction. When fruitless encounters with bits of rock sticking randomly out of the moorland scrub fail to produce any sighting of the object(s) of my quest, I take heed of the advice given to me by the proprietor of The Boot Inn to ‘get up on one of the lumps and bumps’ and spot what just HAS to be a stone circle way off in the distance to the east. The nearer I get, the more it reveals itself as White Moss, a beautiful little circle, much-better preserved than I’d hoped and the perfect introduction to this wonderful complex. It reminds me very much of Machrie Moor albeit without the big showstopping monoliths that lend that site its aura; here, that’s provided by the stupendous views, the setting of the circles operating as a focal point for the aforementioned Scafell Pike and other surrounding hills (cf Castlerigg). To my eyes it looks very much as if the line of sight through White Moss and its more ruined companion is designed to draw your eyes towards the gap through which the sea is visible far away to the west. Brat’s Hill is big circumference-wise even though its many stones are smallish and might be less visible later in the summer when the scrub’s grown a bit more. The two Low Longrigg circles are a bit more battered and not immediately easy to spot but do provide a wonderful vantage point for views back towards the others. I end up spending a couple of hours wandering backwards and forwards between all the circles, the only person in this vast landscape, thrilled to bits and marvelling at my good fortune in being able to enjoy it in such perfect conditions. I leave with huge reluctance and a fervent desire to communicate the majesty of this site to the world at large. If you’ve thought about going but haven’t got round to it yet, start making plans now, you won’t regret it. It’s not the most accessible of sites but the effort required isn’t that great when set against the pleasure to be gained.

Burn Moor Complex

A return visit – this time with Si and Ursula.

For me this site is really under-represented! Looking at the first circle of the White Moss pair, we all commented on the fact that we’d not really heard much mention of the place and couldn’t understand why. This circle in particular is in really good condition, considering it’s location, and taken into consideration with the other four circles. The only reason I can think of for why more people haven’t visited is it’s remote location, but it’s not that difficult to get to. We took a more direct approach this time, venturing over Hard Knott pass and, despite difficult driving conditions, decided it’s a much quicker route than the one we had taken previously (the coastal route) and offers some spectacular scenery (and a Roman fort).

Burn Moor exudes a real magic. For me the best spot is within the first of the two Low Longrigg circles. From here the view down to White Moss and Brat’s Hill is very clear, and quite overwhelming. I’ve yet to see these sites in sunny conditions, and I must admit, these overcast doomy skies do kind of add to the place, but next time I will definitely try to visit on a cloudless summer’s day, just to see how much this affects the sites.

I’d go as far as saying it’s pretty perfect up here, and would urge anyone with an interest in the stones, who can, to pay a visit because it really is a very special place. The walk from Boot is steep, but well worth the effort. Fantastic.


Burn Moor Complex

The Megaliths

Heedless, unheeded of the years they stand;
The rain drips off their chins and lichens spread
A moist green skin along each stony hand
That gropes among the bones of the grey dead.

They did not see the forests flow and fall -
Junipers blue wave by the fellside shore -
Nor barley batten by the coddling wall,
Nor purple ploughland swipe across the moor.

They hold death in them. Skulls have moulded ears
That deaf remain to curlew, crow and dove.
The human winds blow past them; each one fears
The hoarded ache of malignant love.

Norman Nicholson
Selected Poems
Faber & Faber