
Image of Winn’s Common Mound (Round Barrow(s)) by juamei

The long view from the other side of the common. The mound is what looks like a distortion in the photo just right of centre.


Winn’s Common Mound

Was listening to Alan Moore’s album Unearthing (basically a bio of his friend Steve Moore – No relation) which mentions much about his time living near Shooters Hill and the history of the surrounding area. Noticed the link posted is now defunct, but came across a great blog entry about a search for further info about the missing six tumuli aptly called ’ Barrow Quest.

Winn’s Common Mound

‘The burial mound is on the eastern part of Plumstead Common, known as Winn’s Common, near Bleak Hill Lane. The mound is about 20 metres in diameter and very worn down. It is thought that it may have been part of a cluster of seven tumuli similar to the cluster known to have existed on Shooter’s Hill. The Winn’s Common tumulus has been opened some time in the past but there is no record of what was found or who was involved. The dimensions and shape of the two survivors suggest that they may be Bronze Age burial mounds. The barrow on Winns Common and the one in Brinklow Crescent on Shooters Hill Shrewsbury Tumulus are the only survivors. Five were destroyed in the 1930’s when the Laing Estate was built on Shooters Hill. One that stood in Shrewsbury Park survived the destruction by Laing but has subsequently vanished’.

Winn’s Common Mound

This really was a brucey bonus for me. I picked up a friend in Plumstead en route to Chislehurst Caves and he mentioned a mound nearby, so off we tootled. What a nice surprise, a genuine intact round barrow, with views to the north and west of the Thames Valley.

An unexpected little treat in surprisingly good condition.

Sites within 20km of Winn’s Common Mound