

Long Rock

After leaving Halangy Down, the path passes the end of a row of houses to the south. Shortly afterwards there is a small wood on the left hand side – cut through the trees southwards. When we were there we came across a bivouac, the stone became visible just afterwards.

An atmospheric spot, the walk through the trees heightening the sense of anticipation. When the stone appeared it seemed to be in a clearing, but actually it’s not in the wood at all. A lovely, shaped granite stone with an unusual curving top, the stone stands at least 8 feet tall. The spot seems little visited and is not signposted, unlike the other sites we went to today. The ferns around the stone were at head height, leaving only the top in clear view.

After a few minutes enjoying the quiet, we followed another path from the stone back to the main footpath, and off round the coast to Innisidgen Lower.

Long Rock

Situated in a stunted pine forest on Mcfarland Downs, this stone is not easy to find. Well worth the effort as it is 8 ft tall and most impressive. The branches of the tree behind give it an almost Hindu appearance. Some people clain that there is the vestige of a face carved on the top surface while others see a vulva. I just see one of my favourite standing stones.

Sites within 20km of Long Rock