Sites within Tortie

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Image of Tortie (Cup Marked Stone) by pebblesfromheaven


“The Nailbrush”

Tortie 2 is on the brow of this hill (doubt you can see it, though)


Image credit: pebblethief



A lovely little valley, but not an easy field to get into, and when we visited, very boggy! Thankfully the resident bull and posse stayed at the other side of this vast field while we explored.

I was pleasantly surprised by the details of carving on this stone, expecting it to be a lot more weathered.

Tortie 2 can be just seen on the skyline from here, on the top of the same hill to the east.



Cup Marked Stone

According to Colin Richardson, this cup marked stone is thought to have once been upright, and accumulated cairn material about it’s base afterwards. Presumably this material was removed during the excavation. Dating was inconclusive, though the usual late Neolithic/early bronze age period was assumed.

Excavations on a cup-&-ring marked boulder on Tortie Hill.
(Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society, 92, 1992, 7–11, ISSN 0309-7986):

Sites within 20km of Tortie