Sites within Law Hill

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Image of Law Hill (Hillfort) by drewbhoy

The east rampart, to the south The Lomonds sneak into view.

Image credit: drew/AMJ


Law Hill

From Shien Hill I headed, west, retracing my easily found steps in the track or mudbath until I reached a track heading south. Follow this until some trees, then follow the fence heading west. A gentle climb to a small ridge gives a superb view of the hillfort plus a couple of hut circles.

I approached through the north entrance which is lined by two small dry stane dykes (the borders of the probable main entrance), cutting through several defences. 5 ramparts plus a cheveaux de frise protect the north, it being the most easiest climb. Entrances can also be found to east, west (very steep) and south. The southern entrance appears to have been quarried almost out of existence.

A 6m wide wall surrounds the hilltop, protecting the 154m by 90m site, the best remnants are on the north west.

A much easier climb than Evelick.

Visited 29/12/2023.

Sites within 20km of Law Hill