Leave Edzell on the southern minor road heading south west signposted Menmuir. At the crossroads with the Catheruns head south then take the first west. The entrance to Balzeordie Farm is the first farm track north. Ask permission if going for a wee look.
From the aerial photo on Canmore the fort can be seen in the cropmarks north east of the Balzeordie Farm. On the day of my visit tatties covered the site so no indicators for me.
Fortunately the farmer was a source of good information. When ploughing the soil is often a different colour due to fire ash etc, it changes colour when drying to show where any defences would have been and to the north the Catheruns look down on the site. Possibly this was an outer fort for its higher neighbours. He also said that the farm name means Geordie's farm. Natural defences are in the north east with a gentler slope to the south.
One thing the farmer didn't know was about the cairn on Gallows Hillock, my next stop.