A circular enclosure c60m in diameter was examined. Pottery and bronze metal-working moulds from the primary ditch silts indicate a Late Bronze Age date. Later features include a Saxon cremation and inhumation cemetery and Saxon or later post-hole building. (1)
Further grass and cremations were located bringing the total of burials to c150. One of the inhumations was enclosed by a small ring-ditch. Four more Saxon buildings were identified, belonging to at least two phases, together with a number of pits and other features. (2)
Excavation of a circular cropmark enclosure at Springfield, confirmed a Late Bronze Age date for the enclosure. The interior of the enclosure was totally excavated, providing a good plan of all features which had survived subsequent activity at the site. Late Bronze Age features included several post-hole structures, and the post-holes of the revetment for an internal bank. Also located were features and finds of Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and Roman date, an Early Saxon cemetery and a Late Saxon settlement. (3)