Details of long mound on Pastscape
A Neolithic long mound at West Cotton, part of a complex of monuments examined as part of the Raunds area project. The mound was orientated roughly east-west, and measured 135 metres by 13 to 18 metres. Nearly half of the monument was excavated. In its first phase, the mound appears to have been circa 90 metres long, and was constructed of turf and soil stacked within a series of ractangular bays defined by transverse and longitudinal lines of stake holes. Parts of the mound were flanked by broad, shallow quarry pits though material from these appears not to have been used on the mound construction. The eastern end of the mound may have featured a south-facing “chamber” defined by stakes and possibly flanked by open bays, and with a forecourt and facade to the east of the chamber. This area was subsequently covered by a simple dumped mound withno internal structure, and the mound extended to its full 135 metre length. A length of carbonized wooden plank from thew mound has a calibrated radiocarbon date of 3497-3147 BC. Following the extension of the mound, a gully was cut around its edge. The gully fill contained quantities of burnt material, some dumped but some indicating in situ burning. Charcoal from this fill has been dated to 3691-3388 Cal BC. Stakes at the eastern end suggest some form of facade. Two provided dates of 3255-2925 Cal BC and 2466-2291 Cal BC. The mound material included nearly 4000 struck flints, while the quarry pits adjacent to the mound include quantities of Ebbsflet Ware sherds. A pit sealed by the mound has been dated to 4725-4542 Cal BC, while a tree throw hole beneath the mound was surrounded by a surface scatter of flints. This mound and the adjacent long enclosure appear to have formed a focus for subsequent monuments. The more distant Cotton Henge is also positioned in line with the long mound’s axis.