3 stones from the square stone-setting
The remaining stone again ...
The remaining stone from the 36-stone ring
The white stone.
Dale-Gudbrand is a well known figure in the story of the christening of Norway. Saint Olav on his way up the valley of Gudbrandsdalen (i.e. Gudbrands valley) came to Gudbrands farm at Hundorp a day in 1021. The story is told in Snorre Sturlassons Heimskringla:
King Olav met the farmers as agreed early on the next morning, when the image of the god Tor was carried out. When the meeting was in order Dale-Gudbrand asked the king were his god was? The sun rose and the king said: Here comes my god with a great light. As the farmers turned against the sunrise, Kolbein the strong hit the image, it burst and out streamed mice, lizzards and worms. When they saw this, Dale-Gudbrand and the farmers accepted christianity.
This is all that is documented of Dale-Gudbrand as a historical figure. The farm that carries his name at Hundorp has other qualities however.
- 5 mounds dated iron-age.
- One square-shaped stonesetting with 10 stones.
- A white stone
- One stone (ca 1,5 m high) remaining of a large stone-setting of originally 36 stones! The ring was documented by Gerhard Schøning in the 1770-ies (Reise som giennem en Deel af Norge i de Aar 1773, 1774, 1775 paa Hans Majestæt Kongens bekostning...).
Situated very close to the main road (E6) it is well worth a stop, you may even spend the night as there is a small hotell there as well.
I must apologize for the poor quality of the posted photographs, they were taken just before sunset with a mobile. But as there may be a few years before I'll be in the vicinity again this is what I have to offer...