Image credit: Alberto Terrile
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
lower part of the belly.
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
engraved footprint.
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
engraved footprint.
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Alberto Terrile
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
a great coach caught in action
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Roberto Saba
Image credit: Roberto Saba
Image credit: Roberto Saba
Image credit: Roberto Saba
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
dedicated to Jane.
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
the spring beside the rock.
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
the house of the soul ?
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
Image credit: Ligurian Tommy Leggy
I think La Grande Roccia holds a great power.
While you're walking in the half-shade of a beech-wood suddenly it'll appear in front of you
as a shining silver dome, as an UFO...
And when you'll approach it, you'll find out that it's cut in two by a deep break as chopped by a big force. Beside it there's a nice spring. And it's covered by engravings.
So this was a sacred place for ancient Ligurians.
This site it's very suggestive and I believe "that" strong energy is still there.
Sites within 20km of La Grande Roccia (The Big Rock)
Rio della Biscia’s valley. First rock of the path.
photo 8 -
Fertility’s goddess
photo 7 -
Pietra Liscia (Smooth Stone)
photo 23 -
Kelly’s Rock 2
photo 9 -
Rio della Biscia’s valley. Second rock of the path
photo 22 -
Della Biscia. Pria Scugia (Slippery stone)
photo 10 -
Faiallo’s Standing Stone
photo 2 description 1 -
Pietra Rotonda (Round Stone)
photo 13 -
Della Biscia
photo 53 description 1 -
Faiallo’s Standing Stone 2
photo 2 -
Bowls stone
photo 11 -
Guardian stones on Mount Grosso’s path.
photo 10 description 1 -
Mount Ermetta
photo 25 -
Mount Priafaia 3. Second niche and pair of cups st
photo 8 -
Mount Priafaia 1. Goddess niche.
photo 8 description 1 -
Mount Priafaia 4. Menhir
photo 7 -
Priafaia Altar stone
photo 26 -
Angela’s Rock
photo 3 description 1 -
Faie’s Altar Rock (Faires Altar Rock)
photo 11 description 1 -
Mount Priafaia 2. Ruined Menhir
photo 2 -
Monte Beigua Pietra Scritta
photo 41 description 1 -
Strada Megalitica del Monte Beigua
photo 26 description 1 -
Big Flat Rock
photo 3 description 1 -
Beigua Menhir
photo 2 description 1 -
Faie’s Menhirs (Faires Menhirs)
photo 13 description 1 -
Ceresa 2
photo 4 -
Faie’s Menhirs and cupmarked stone(Faires Menhirs)
photo 9 -
Ceresa 5
photo 3 description 1 -
Ceresa 3
photo 5 description 1 -
Ceresa 1
photo 4 description 1 -
photo 4 description 1 -
Ceresa 4
photo 2 -
Bric Aliberti menhirs
photo 12 description 1 -
Menhir of "U Nicciu du Briccu du Broxin"
photo 3 -
Bric Aliberti engraved stone
photo 9 description 1 -
Two Head’s Rock Shelter (Riparo di Rocca Due Teste
photo 12 -
Cian da Munega
photo 3 description 1 -
Kelly’s rock 3- Giutte column
photo 8 description 1 -
Issel’s Stone
photo 23 description 1 -
Giutte’s Long Cairn
photo 11 -
Kelly’s Rock
photo 3 description 1