

Maudagna Valley’s engraved stone

Maudagna Valley's engraved stone

(abstract from-"Roccia Incisa in Val Maudagna (CN)"- Bulletin of Survey 1991-1992, n.7-8. by Italo Pucci and Flavio Gastaldi).

"The rock stands out on the side of a hill facing the Maudagna valley. It is located inside a wood and near Bellino House (Frabosa Sottana). The place was important for its stock-raising, exploitation of chestnut trees and has been populated by Ligurians.

The rock shows some cups connected by linear engravings that in their terminal parts come out from the surface.

It is possible to deem that the engravings are connected to the rituals of the waters cult."

Very simple engravings made by very simple people, for a simple essential use.

I have to thank Mr.Giovanni and Mr.Sergio Piazzo

of the ARS organisation Villanova Mondovì (Cuneo). They are my great local guides to it.

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Sites within 20km of Maudagna Valley’s engraved stone