

Tamuli Tomba A

The largest and most impressive of the 3 tombas, also known as “Betyls’ Grave” due to its proximity to the 6 menhirs (betyls or betili).

As at tomba B, there’s a bench along the esedra – this time its maximum width is over 20m. The total length is over 22m, and the burial corridor itself is 9.5m x 1.3m.

The thick walls are actually 2 walls with the cavity between them filled with rubble and earth.

The entrance to the corridor has a stone with a round cornered rectangle carved out of it – only one side remains, but it appears to be the portal to the grave.

The information boards show a reconstruction – a tomba made from courses of stone as we’d seen at Mura Cuada rather than those with a stele as at Coddu Vecchju.

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Sites within 20km of Tamuli Tomba A