Berry Ring

Visited 10.8.11
Directions: Travelling south west out of Stafford along the A518, just after you drive under the M6, you will see a sign to Derrington on your right. Keep on the A518 but take the immediate next turning right towards Dearnsdale Farm. Park where you can.
There is a public right of way along the farm drive and across the fields north.
The drive actually runs around the western defences of the Hillfort.
There is about a 2 metre drop on the left of the drive which I assume is the remains of the outer rampart? and a smaller 1 metre rampart can be made out amongst the bushes to the right hand side of the drive.
There is a high barbed wire fence running around the site which is further ‘protected’ with chest high nettles. The Hillfort is completely overgrown with trees, bushes, brambles etc and access to its interior would be very difficult.
I peered through the fence from the drive but was unable to make anything else out. There is a small house on the drive appropriately named Berry Ring Cottage.
I can’t recommend a visit as access to the actual Hillfort would be very difficult although the outer rampart is easy enough to see.