Leacet Circle

I’ll say one thing for the folks who built this monument. They knew how to pick a spot in the landscape.

It’s not instantly noticeable when you’re at the site, but on my most recent visit, I’d decided to tromp off from the dreaded centre Parcs just at the top of Leacet Hill, and go to lightpaint Brougham castle a few miles away. As it turned out, the castle was locked up tight, so I decided to head back via Leacet. Now bearing in mind it was a full moon, there was some light, but it was still the middle of the night, and I had no map, and was wandering cross country. But it was dead easy to find the place. It made me wonder that part of the reason for placing it here was that if you know where it is, it’s fairly straightforward to find it again by reference to the various bits of the landscape around it.

There was still no sign of the ghostly apparition, so I made one by waving a torch at the stones.