SOUTHLEY-WOOD, so called from the circumstance of its lying to the south of Warminster, is distinguished by a small intrenchment, denominated Robin Hood’s Bower, which is nearly of a square form, and comprises within its area about three-quarters of an acre of land. Close to the eastern boundary of this wood is another similar earthen work; and on its eastern side is a third intrenchment, resembling an amphitheatre in miniature. This is a very curious work, and consists of a ditch and two valla. The outer vallum is about eighteen feet in height, and is very neatly formed. -- “The breadth of the ditch is seven feet; the height of the inner work from fifteen to sixteen feet; and the length of the area of the inner work on its longest side (for it is of an oval shape) is one hundred and eleven feet.”
I don’t know what they’re going on about, do these other places still exist or has someone got the wrong end of the stick? The quote comes from Hoare’s Ancient Wiltshire (v1 p50, apparently). The second could be the henge at Ivor Farm, but the third sounds so large as to be unmistakeable and unoverlookable. Hmm.
From ‘The Beauties of England and Wales’ volume 15, by John Britton and others (1814).