Visited 29.3.11
What a cracking place to visit this is!
A bit of a maze of country lanes to traverse but when you get close it is sign posted.
A large free car park and an easy short walk past an information board takes you to the Hillfort. Dafydd decided to stay in the car with Karen which meant that Sophie visited her first site properly – at the ripe old age of 4 months! (Previously she has sat in the car with her mother)
You can walk right around the site in 15 minutes and there are good views to be had. The ramparts/ditches are fairly well preserved – particularly the section near the trees which has several banks of defences. The centre of the Hillfort is fairly flat and is easy to cross – no fences for a change. This would make a good place to come for a picnic on a nice day.
All in all definitely worth a visit when in the area.
(I think Sophie enjoyed it??)