
Round Barrow(s)

On The Gold Corselet Found Near Mold, Flintshire.

Though the discovery of this unique and splendid corselet took place some years ago, viz. A.D. 1833, yet, as no very satisfactory conjectures relative to the distinguished wearer were then offered, it is presented once more to the notice of the public [..]

We shall preface our account with a “ghost story,” which is as singular as it is true. A considerable time previous to the discovery, an old woman, on her return from Mold late one night, saw an apparition “of unusual size, and clothed in a coat of gold, which shone like the sun,” crossing her road to the identical spot where the treasure was afterwards found*, and which was commonly known by the name of “Bryn yr Ellyllon,” or the Goblins’ Hill. We stop not to enquire into the probable nature of this spectre, whether it was really an emigrant from the unseen world, or merely the effect of imagination, or some other optical illusion; it is sufficient for us that the old woman herself was convinced of its personality. And no less curious is it, that she should have mentioned the circumstance on the following morning, amongst others, to the very person whose workmen dug out the breast-plate!

*This circumstance is mentioned by the Rev. C.B. Clough, Vicar of Mold (and now Archdeacon of St. Asaph,) in a letter communicated by him to John Gage, Esq., Director of the Society of Antiquaries, where he moreover adds: “Her having related this story is an undoubted fact.”

Lots of details too of the unearthing of the various objects, from Archaeologia Cambrensis, v3, 1848.

The Monthly Review from 1837 shows the story was definitely doing the rounds quickly, as the quoted letter is supposed to date from 1834.

And finally, here, and certainly best of all, is a letter from John Gage, and he quotes the Rev. Clough (The old woman had been to collect her husband from the pub. But I’m sure she wouldn’t have drank anything before she saw the ghost :)
It’s in v26 of Archaeologia (1836).

It includes a lovely drawing of the design on the cape.