Cadbury Hill (Congresbury)

Visited 8.1.11
Travelling south from Yatton to Congresbury along to B3133 you will see a brown tourist sign to the left stating ‘Cadbury’. Follow the sign and you will come to a fairly large free car park on your right. Park here and take the mud ‘path’ across the grass and up towards the trees. (There is an information board in the car park telling you all about Cadbury wildlife reserve – although the only wildlife I saw was several dogs being walked!) As the ‘path’ climbs you go through a wood kissing gate which has a small information board giving brief details of the Hillfort. Then up a short but steep section and you arrive in the centre of the Hillfort.
I walked the perimeter of the entire Hillfort which only took 15 minutes. There are decent views to be had when peering through the trees – especially to the north. It makes you realise that you don’t need to that high to see for miles in this largely flat countryside. There wasn’t a great deal to be seen of the ramparts/ditches – much eroded. There was however a lot of stonework sticking out of the ground so perhaps these were part of the original defences?
In the centre of the site was a large raised ‘platform’ of stones which must have belonged to some building or other in the past? (The site was also used during the ‘Dark Ages’) Also in the centre of the Hillfort was an unofficial ‘BBQ type’ area with a fair bit of rubbish left around – bottles / cans etc. I now carry a bag with me for such occasions so I spent a few minutes bagging up the rubbish to take back down with me to deposit in the bins in the car park.
It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the car park to the Hillfort.
Not a lot to see really but a fairly easy site to access when in the area.