Turoe Stone

Last week I visited the Turoe Stone in County Galway. With the pictures of the site in mind, I looked around (the site is located in a pet farm), but only found an OPW info board. After a while I realized a second sign before you enter the lawn, that states, that the stone is currently in a program to protect its surface.

This means a wood shed with 2 small windows, that looks like an arbour, is placed over the stone, no wonder that I didn’t find it :-( . As Michail Gorbatschow said: ‘Life punishes those who delay’.

Although I totally appreciate, that the protection of this treasure is very important or a must, I was very disappointed, as this site was on my wish list for a long time. The whole ‘atmosphere’ is lost and I ask myself, if there were no other (and better) possibilities, to protect the stone, while still making a visit a worthwhile trip.

So if you plan to visit the site, be prepared.

Visited June 2010