
Sacred Hill

Having been informed by Mr. Geo. Turnbull, the farmer at Great Tosson, that there was a very large cairn on the northern slopes of Ravensheugh, just below two standing stones, called by the country people “Kate” and “Geordie,“* under his guidance, we proceeded to the spot, and found an enormous pile of stones on a projecting ridge, having a steep declivity in front with the hill rising behind. The cairn measured 27 feet from E. to W., and 30 feet from N. to S.

Their digging uncovered a cist, and a stone with possible cup-marks was found near the centre of the cairn. Well, he thought it might have them anyway, comparing it to ‘the markings on the rocks at Lordenshaw’s camp’. You can see a picture here.

From ‘Upper Coquetdale, Northumberland: its history, traditions, folk-lore and scenery’ by D D Dixon (1903).

*elsewhere in the book he says the stones ‘probably got their names during the hundred years the Donkins ruled at Tosson’.