The 8ft+ stone leans because a farmer supposedly tried digging under it for its fabled treasure – but a thunderstorm started up (as they so often do in these situations) and struck the stone. The farmer understandably left in a hurry.
[I’m not sure where i read this].
This [stone] was visited, in 1706, by Edward Lhuyd, who found upon it an inscription which he read, TEFROVTI; but there are no letters upon the stone at present. The upper part of the stone has been split, and the inscribed part either destroyed or taken away. This act of Vandalism is attributed by the farmers of the locality to a stone mason named Shon Morgan, who went in a fit of drunkenness to “try the quality of the stone.” It is nine feet high and eighteen inches in thickness.
From ‘Archaeologia Cambrensis’ ser 3. v8, 1862, p134 (readable on Google Books).