Nice to see that newspapers have always been a reliable source of information.
Whereas one of the Burroughs near the famous Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, was lately levelled, and very deep within the said Burrough or Burying Place was found an entire Humane Skelleton of an unusual Size, the Length thereof measuring full Nine Foot Four Inches. Theseare therefore to Advertize any curious Person or Persons, who may be inclined to purchase the said Rarity, that it will very soon be brought to Town and lodg’d at the Duke of Marlborough’s Head in Fleetstreet, and shall remain there some time before it is exposed to publick View.
From the ‘Post Man and the Historical Account’ of August 29th, 1719.
And despite it's undoubted accuracy, the "Post Man and the Historical Account" doesn't seem to have survived (unless it's now called the Daily Sport or Exchange and Mart).
Burroughs/burying place? barrow maybe, Ox.Dictionary of Etymology says burrow translates to borough which means 'fortified or inhabited place'.
9 foot giant sounds like a tall story to me Rhiannon....