If Carlsberg did unfindable dolmens it’d be this one, fortunately I love dolmens and beer.
Starting at the picturesque bridge SM981284 go south and when the road goes uphill look for a farm track on your right immediatey after is a passing/parking place stop here, you wont know it but your about 6ft from the chamber.
Ten feet further north look for a standing stone set in the hedge bank and you know your there.
Now walk uphill untill reaching a large metal gate, over we go and then follow the hedge back downhill looking for a clump of bushes protruding from the hedge, it’s in there.
Rediculous, utterly without feeling did they treat this cute little dolmen, the road is less than a foot away the hedge and its bank goes right over/through it and whats left is at the mercy of brambles, bracken and young trees.
That said I was pleased to find it looking almost intact, inside the chamber is soil upto one foot away from the underside of the capstone. It has what looks like curb stones on its northern side,
one of which is a big quartz boulder. Get the time team in for gods sake. I pulled away a lot of the brambly stuff to better understand the place but it needs more than one bloke with only an hour to spare. Standing on the capstone one can see the car parked right next to it, its funny here, Ive never seen such a stealth dolmen,on one side of the hedge and it’s “wow look at that” ,6ft the other side of the hedge and it’s “what dolmen, watch out for the tractor”.