Coflein calls this ‘Lang Stone, Former Monolith’, which is a bit mean. The rest of the notes are as follows:
“The stone has the appearance of being broken through & before a portion was detached may have been a standing stone. The stone is mentioned in a 10th C document. condition=Near Intact
A slightly trapezoidal conglomerate block measuring 1.5m (E-W) by 1.25m and 0.65m thick is located in a slight hollow (= ?attempts at removal) on a low, local summit. If once upright and larger the rest of it has been removed.
visited: D.K.Leighton 16 Febraury 1999.”
I found a picture of it on the Langstone Community Council website:
- they even use the stone as their logo, so local people must keep a friendly eye open for it.