Li Muri

From the fork in the road where the directions to this site and Li Lolghi split, it was 1.2km to the car park and information building (closed when we got there) just past the site, and about 120 metres up a gentle incline to get back to the site itself which has a gate and wooden hut at its entrance.

The site has wooden posts and rails to keep people off the stones, and viewing platforms similar to those we’d seen at Coddu Vecchju.

There are 5 cists; 4 of these have a menhir and stone slabs arranged around them to form a circle; cist number 5 to the far left on my panoramic photo has an incomplete circle with an open front.

This is believed to be the oldest site on the island, at around 4000 BCE.

Tickets are 5 euros to visit both here and Li Lolghi, payable at the information office just down the slope – the guide was at the circles when we arrived and we followed her down to pay after our visit. As usual for the “pay” sites, there were toilets, and a range of info, drinks and snacks on sale.