
Giants’ Graves
Chambered Cairn

Two neighbouring chambered cairns on Whiting Bay on Arran are known as the Giants’ Graves (although some sources record only one Giant’s Grave). It is possible that the giant or giants concerned have something to do with the following tradition.

The Name of this Isle is by some derived from Arran, which in the Irish language signifies Bread: Others think it comes more probably from Arjn or Arfyn, which in their language is as much, as the Place of the Giant fin-Ma-Cowls Slaughter or Execution...the received Tradition of the great Giant Fin-Ma-Cowls Military Valour, which he exercised upon the Ancient Natives here, seems to favour this Conjecture; this they say is evident from the many Stones set up in diverse Places of the Isle, as Monuments upon the Graces of Persons of Note that were killed in Battle.

Martin Martin 1695