
Bryn Poeth Uchaf South
Ring Cairn

Assuming you’ve the correct OS coordinates to relate to (preferably) your 1:25K map – the 1:50k will probably do, at a push – correctly identifying the location of this pleasing trio of sites is clearly not an issue. Getting there, however, isn’t exactly straightforward: I eschewed the long approach via the great cairn of Garn Fawr (with its little associated quartzite stone) in favour of a low-level stroll above the Cynnant Fawr, followed by a steep scramble to the west. As it transpired, choosing the hottest day of 2023 wasn’t ideal for such exertion, but hey. Stupid is as stupid does.

If you’ve only a day to spare, probably best to choose the former option and check in at the former Youth Hostel of Bryn-poeth Uchaf for a chat in passing – a neighbour I met the following day related how the current owner is very friendly to us outsiders. As it was, I instead met the (presumed) owner of Cynnant Farm who, while remaining silent, gave me a wry smile I took to signify a tolerance of my parking arrangements at the entrance to the public track traversing the cwm.