The remains of this cairn, set upon the, it has to be said, somewhat inhospitable eastern slopes of Esgair Elan – itself forming the southern flank of the wondrous upper Cwm Ystwyth – have a good shout for being amongst the most obscure you might wish to find in these Isles. Yeah, having walked the ridge a number of times in the past – not to mention camping below on innumerable occasions – the monument doesn’t exactly advertise its presence, so to speak.
Luckily, the people at Coflein know where it’s at. Quite literally:
“A small stone cairn, thought likely to be a funerary cairn. It measures 2.5 metres north to south, by 2.25 metres wide and is no more than 0.2 metres high. It is partially obscured by grass and moss.” [P.Sambrook, Trysor, 13 September 2011]
Better late than never.