Very subtly situated on Henley-Marlow road, it sits at the point where the Chilterns meet the River Thames. Better know now as “Danny, Champion of the World” territory, before Roal Dahl there was Sir Francis Dashwood, keeper of the “Hellfire Caves” – (it’ll look neater when I figure out linking). Just to the south of this almost obliterated site is the infamous “Medmenham Abbey”, where Dashwood would have parties-cum-rituals that involved almost the entire gentry and their genitals, and lasted for weeks. Baboons were also often in attendance.
You can read more about Sir Francis and his antics here:
As for the Camp, sadly very little remains, with the north-western corner being the last vestiges of the earthworks. But rejoice! The site is crowded with gorgeous trees, and seems safe enough for now, as long as the scrambler-crew don’t overdo it ...