Image of White Caterthun (Hillfort) by thelonious

31/12/2018 – Photo of the ramparts. Well not really, I took it because of the surface block in the foreground. It’s all that remains of the trigpoint. Built in 1949 but gone just a year later in 1950. No idea why it was removed. Maybe they had a rethink about putting it on an ancient monument but if that’s the case what about all the other trigs on cairns, forts etc. round Britain! The Ordnance Survey have a bit of a checkered history when it comes to placement of trigs and old stuff. Still I love their maps so I’ll let them off. If you visit this fort have a look out for the block and say hello. If you hate trigs, at least you can have a dance around it singing ‘Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead’.