Upper Cragabus (North)

From the southern cairn we walked back down the hill, crossed the road, climbed a gate and promptly saw a sheep with its head stuck in a fence. When I tried to free it the poor thing it went mental so I left it alone figuring it would escape.

Head further north, over the deer fence, look south and climb the fairly steep but slippy hill. Once at the top head south and through a gate, past a pile of stones.

It must have been an impressive site back in its day. Sadly now most of the cairn has been removed and it is now turf covered.

Despite the damage it is still over 17m wide and over 1m high with superb all round views, on this day it was slightly misty. Luckily we could see over to the southern cairn and further east to the chamber cairn. Some boulders on the north side maybe the remnants of the kerb.

With that it was back down the hill to a mini drenching and another attempt at a rescue of the sheep. A kick to the kneecap persuaded me that professional help was needed. A phone call to the farmer and soon the prisoner would be free.

Visited 29/7/2018.