The Chestnuts

My girlfriend and I visited our local pre-historic site last autumn after reading about it in The Modern Antiquarian. It was a great experience and felt as if we were entering a new world; according to my school, Britain’s history only began in ‘AD’ 43.
The tour of The Chestnuts was extremely interesting and informative – the dowsing rods provided by the owner certainly had minds of their own and were continually drawn to the same stone. We felt bad only paying 50p for admission to the woman’s back garden to see The Chestnuts although she assured that this was plenty to pay for her lawnmower’s petrol consumption. A minor point for the update of the tome: the lady living there told us that she is not suing the Department of Transport as that matter was resolved in the 1960s.
All in all, a truly eye-opening experience. 2 down, 298 to go.