The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

The Hoar Stone

Chambered Tomb


I thought I might acquaint you all with some of, what appear to be, the least popular sites so far, since no-one has written about them, in the order I visited there's more to follow.

THE HOAR STONE - Visited 20/12/00
It took a great deal of effort, a little luck and Copey's description of it's location to find this one without an OS Map, on a cold December day , with frozen snow on the ground. Five minutes walking around in a circle amongst the trees and bushes, after parking our car in what we thought might be the spot, I (and my mate Rich) stumbled across this nine foot monster stone, just yards from where we set out (this was after we climbed what appeared to be a small water tank that we mistook for a barrow!!).
We duly congratulated ourselves and took our obligatory photograph - surely we can't be the only saddoes who try to recreate the actual shots from the book...or perhaps we are!!
Rob Gillespie Posted by Rob Gillespie
13th January 2001ce
Edited 16th March 2003ce

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