Green Craig

Follow the directions to Creich Manse and keep going until the ruined Creich Church. Opposite can be seen Creich Castle. The fort is at the top of the hill to the north of the church.

We opened the gate just to the west of the church and headed straight up the hill to another gate which leads to a small track leading up the hill. Traces of rampart can be seen but it is very low and hard to detect. Evidence of a couple of hut circles remain but apart from that nothing much remains. What does remain is steep natural defences on the northern side and the beautiful views. Today the Tay was mirror like reflecting both the city and the Sidlaws. Also to be seen to the south and west are many hillforts. Looks like a busy time for two legged and four legged hill climbers.

This isn’t a steep climb but well worth the effort. Careful of the northern defences, there isn’t much room for error after the ruined fence.

Visited 8/6/2015.