Sligachan, looking toward the wondrous conical Glamaig, an overwhelming vision of natural form. TMA’ers, however, may be interested to know that the right hand peaks Sron a’ Bhealain (cNG 504 284, unerringly highlighted by the power lines), and Beinn Dearg Mheadhonach (approx NG514 273, rising above) both possess cairns marked upon my old 1:25K OS map in antiquarian typeface. Their inspection entails a fabulous outing for those perhaps spooked by the sheer perpendicularity of Glamaig itself.
Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Wow that is a wilderness, slightly marked by modern technology of course but lovely tones of colour.
The lines were buggering up the angle I wanted.... so decided to use them instead. It's actually on the main road, but that's Skye for you.