Visited 20.7.13
From Raglan take the minor road west heading for Bryngwyn. At the crossroads turn left (south) and then left again (east) at the T-Junction (near The Hill farm). At the point takes a sharp turn to the right you will see a worn public footpath sign on your left. Park where you can.
Karen stayed in the car with the children while I walked across the open field and into the ungated second field. Although my O/S map shows the footpath runs adjacent to the fort/enclosure in reality the footpath doesn’t exist on the ground.
What you are confronted by is an impenetrable hedgerow, way over head height.
All I could make out was the obvious curving of said hedgerow which I imagine follows the contour of the fort/enclosure? The fort/enclosure was covered by crop.
I assume access to the field must be from the north via Bryngwyn Manor?
I didn’t bother as I don’t think I would have seen anything due to the crop and we were due at Raglan Castle to watch a Medieval re-enactment event.
(Hence the reason Dafydd was dressed as a Knight and Sophie as a Princess – warrior princess more like!)
All in all not one to recommend.
COFLEIN states:
Period – Iron Age / Roman
‘An oval enclosure 68m x 70 m, defined by scarps and a bank, atop a small isolated hill. Excavation revealed a substantial outer ditch, with 1st-2nd c Roman pottery’.