
Sacred Hill

From National Park leaflet:
“Legends and nameless shadows hover around Simonside as surely as the mists that cling to its heather-clad summit. If Simonside ‘has its hat on’ most people in Rothbury expect rain. A few also half-believe stories of dwarfs and will-o’-the-wisps, and are reluctant to set foot on the hill whatever the weather.

Recent archeological research suggess that there has always been something special about Simonside. Prehistoric flint arrowheads, bronze swords and axeheads, pottery and ornaments have all been found here. In the bronze age the lower slopes were farmed but Simonside itself was not; instead it was a place for cairns and barrows, for spirits and remembrance.”

“Hidden in the forest there are burial cairns and cists, carved stones and ancient pathways. There are also dozens of rock outcrops with caves and overhangs...”