
Easneye Wood
Round Barrow(s)

According to EH’s record, this barrow is still 3m high and 20 across. It’s near Easneye House, which is now a training college for evangelical missionaries, but which in Victorian times was owned by the Buxton family. The owner and his son opened the barrow in 1899. “Not a solitary piece of pottery, not a fragment of bronze, nor a single worked flint was found” but there were burnt bones and the jaw of a young pig. “The bones and ashes were, after examination, placed in an earthenware jar, with an inscription on a copper plate stating when and by whom the barrow was opened, and what was found in it. The jar with its contents was then placed in the centre of the mound where the bones were discovered, and the earth was replaced in the excavation.”

From the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1899-90.