(SY 81999900) Inscribed Stone on site of (NAT) Deverel Barrow (NR). (1)
SY 81999900 Deverel Barrow was excavated by W A Miles in 1824 when it measured 54 ft diameter and 12 ft high. Within the mound and resting on the old ground surface was a semi-circle of sarsen stones. Each of these stones, with the exception of the two largest, covered cists cut into the chalk, containing, in total, some seventeen cremations in globular and bucket urns set upright. Near the largest sarsen stone lay a cremation, possibly primary, in an inverted collared urn surrounded by flints. On the barrow floor were four more cremations in globular and bucket urns as well as four unaccompanied cremations. Five more chalk-cut cists containing cremation only, were also seen.
The globular and bucket urns and cremation ritual found within Deverel Barrow represented a culture phase within the Late Bronze Age period, now known as the Deverel-Rimbury culture (for Rimbury urnfield – see SY 68 SE 35).
Deverel Barrow is now almost entirely destroyed but its site is marked by a circular walled enclosure planted with trees. Inside, the only remains are a number of large stones on a slight mound.
An inscribed stone recording the excavation was set up in 1827 but this is now fragmented. (2). (2-3)
The site of Deverel Barrow is as described by R.C.H.M. (2) except that the inscribed stone fragments cannot now be identified. (4)
( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6” 1968
( 2a) General reference – The Deverel Barrow 1826 (W A Miles)
( 2b) General reference – Celtic Tumuli of Dorset pt 3 No 59 (C Warne)
( 2c) General reference – Ant J 13 433-4
( 2d) General reference – Arch J 119 1962 57
( 2) General reference – RCHM Dorset 3 pt 2 1970 181-182 No 30
( 3) General reference – B A Round Barrow in Brit 1960 50 155-156 (P Ashbee)
( 4) Field Investigators Comments F1 JGB 29-MAY-81