
Sully Island
Promontory Fort

Coflein has the following to say about this quite remarkably sited fort:

‘The east end of Sully Island is defended by a succession of three ramparts. There has been erosion, particularly on the south, and the north half is thickly overgrown; the present area of the main enclosure is about 0.4 ha, but it may originally have been twice as much. The inner rampart, cutting off the subsidiary promontory at the point of contraction, was fronted by a ditch and is thought to have been revetted, or walled in stone.

D.K.Leighton, RCAHMW, August 1987. RCAHMW AP955145/50-1‘

Note that the Mam C’s husband works nearby (at time of posting) and reckon’s the warning notices posted in the vicinity most certainly mean what they say.... the tides upon this coastline are not to be trifled with, so watch yourself please.