South Gloucestershire and Bristol forum 5 room
Image by hamish

Hi All,

Out on the River Severn again today (Gravel Banks) came across this stone some 7ft x 4ft. Seems out of place, not much pudding stone about.

There is evidence of man about at this location because some ancient post are visable, peat beds are now exposed etc.

Cheers for now,


Ooh I Do hope its a bluestone that never made it to Stonehenge.....

nice to see you back (M)ike! I really liked your photos - Severn Beach is just a great place, if bleak. You've also got one of my favourite buildings - the co-op warehouse at avonmouth. and I like all the notices you notice. keep up the good work..

I Ike

Went on a visit again today at low tide with the GPS.

Got a good fix on the stone and surrounding features.

Map here...

The recumbrant stone is at the center of the circle. The black lines towards the top are extensions through the wooden post lines.

If anybody wants the exact grid ref, I'll email you.

Cheers for now,


I Ike

And some more pictures of the area...

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