Robin Hood’s Stone forum 1 room
Image by bladup
Robin Hood’s Stone

Calling Paulus


Hi there Paulus.

I was wondering where you got your info about Robin Hood's Stone from. You say that it was formerly part of a stone circle called the 'Calder Stones', but the Calderstones are now perceived as a seperate site (originally a burial chamber):

The photo you've posted is definately the right stone though. Very interesting to see it in its original position. Have you got any more photos?

K x

I should mention that I do have some modern photos of the stone to post up.

I was convinced I had already posted them, but it looks like I forgot to. I must be loosing the plot. The images are at home, so I'll stick 'em up when I finish work.

K x

Sorry to keep chuntering away to myself (this is a one-man thread) but I thought I should answer your question about the cupmarks Paulus (as posted under 'Misc').

No, the cupmarks in your photo aren't now visible, nor are they mentioned on the plaque next to the stone. It looks like they were originally buried, so perhaps the logic was that they should remain buried (in concrete!?).

Does the 'buried cupmark' idea strike you as strange? It's not something I've come across before. Does it suggest that the stone was re-used from an older site? This is turning out to be quite an interesting stone.

Photos to follow (when I get out of the office).

K x