Castle Ring (Cannock Wood) forum 1 room
Image by GLADMAN
Castle Ring (Cannock Wood)

Calling stubob


Hi there stubob. I was just taking a look at sites in north Powys using the Techno Map Browser thingy, and I came across Castle Ring:

I think you might have put the wrong grid reference in when you created the site, because it's in the site group for Staffordshire. There's also no sign of it on Multimap.


Kammer x

Hey up Kammer,

I spent a strange day in the back of a transit looking for this site and never found it.
I think the reference for it came from either the 'archi' disc or maybe Dyers 'discovering...' book.
It was on my mind to delete the site posting when I found nothing, but then when Elderford posted fieldnotes and pics under the same reference, I put it down to my crap map reading.
Now I really am confused......any pointers?

nice one