

2 posts

The Longstone Cove

I just thought I’d add, in relation to the posts below, that having visited the Cove in May 2009, there is now no wire or fence, and the field has open access from Nash Road. The area around the stones is uncultivated, and the large dog that loiters nearby is very friendly!

East Kennett Long Barrow

I headed up to East Kennett Longbarrow by following the bridle path from Gunstile Road, in May 2009.
It appears that the farmer whose land this stands on now accepts that people are going to come and visit the barrow, as the corner of the field the barrow stands in is no longer being cultivated, and is indeed marked off by what can only be described as a path all the way around the barrow.
As others have stated, the barrow itself is huge, in terms of height and length, and it’s amazing to think it hasn’t really been investigated, and it’s all the more wondrous for it.
It was quite a hike South out of my way to visit, but well worth the effort for the solitude and the mystery.