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Tjøme labyrinth

The position of this rare thing is not accurate, and I´m not sure that I would find it again. But I took part in a guided tour in 2010, and it is in there somewhere.

Image of Gardberg by Vragebugten


The Einang-stone is 1,47 m high, 1,05 wide and between 13 – 18 cm thick. The rune-inscription dates from ca 300 CE: “[Ek go]ðagastir runo faihido” or “I Gudgjest wrote the runes”.

The stone is very brittle and stands under a roof and behind glass-walls to keep it safe.


Gardberg is an area covering more than 2 square kilometers in the municipality of Vestre Slidre in Valdres. Follow the signs to Einangsteinen from road E16.

550 of a proposed thousand burial mounds has been investigated. More than 900 finds date from Roman iron-age up towards viking-age 800 CE. The area has traces of iron-production before, under and after viking-age.

There is a stone with 70 saucerlike hollows.

The famous Einang-runestone is also here.



The Directorate for Cultural Heritage in Norway (Riksantikvaren) database for cultural remains. This is a work in progress. The interface is only in norwegian.
I recommend the possibility to restrict searches based on geographical criteria. «Fylke» has a list of counties. «Kommune» = municipalities. It is also possible to restrict a search to ages, «Steinalder – bronsealder» = stoneage – bronzeage.


Across the road from the shipsetting there are a stonecircle (one altarstone in the middle and nine in the circle itself) diameter 36 m. Its called a dommarring in swedish, i.e. judges ring. The stones are massive blocks.

There are several burialmounds and two standing stones close by.


49 stones (of 51 or 52). 41 m long, 9 m wide. Endstones both about 4 m high. There are about ten graves around the stone ship, excavations have shown urns containing burned bones (dated about 400-600CE). One of Swedens largest and most magnificent stone ships. The E6-road is close and there’s a constant rumble of cars.


Dømmesmoen, Grimstad

40+ small burialmounds (dated 400-200 b.ce), several standing stones, and an impressive stonesetting: 3 stones forming a triangle, the stones are connected with flat stones lying in the ground. In the middle of the triangle stands 2 stones close to each other, and one stone outside the triangle itself.

Dømmesmoen is an educational centre connected to the university of Agder, with an impressive garden.