The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Sites added by Ligurian Tommy Leggy

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Showing 1-50 of 104 | Next 50
Site Site type
Altar RockCup Marked Stone
Angela's RockCup Marked Stone
Bassi's dolmenDolmen / Quoit / Cromlech
Bassi's dolmen entranceEngraved stone
Bassi's menhirStanding Stone / Menhir
Bastia's MenhirStanding Stone / Menhir
Bisalta's menhirStanding Stone / Menhir
Bowls stoneCup Marked Stone
Briaglia's menhirStanding Stone / Menhir
Briaglia's menhirs, souterrain, remainsSouterrain
Bric Aliberti engraved stoneEngraved stone
Bric Aliberti menhirsStanding Stone / Menhir
Bric GazzaroEngraved stone
Bric LombateraCup Marked Stone
Camporotondo (Round Field)Cromlech (France and Brittany)
Camporotondo's Double Holed StoneEngraved stone
Camporotondo's Engraved StoneCup Marked Stone
Camporotondo's Rock ShelterCave / Rock Shelter
Cavour's RockCave / Rock Shelter
Cavour's RockCup Marked Stone
CeresaEngraved stone
Ceresa 1Standing Stone / Menhir
Ceresa 2Standing Stone / Menhir
Ceresa 3Cup Marked Stone
Ceresa 4Engraved stone
Cian da MunegaStanding Stone / Menhir
Ciappu da Sa (Salt's Flat)Sanctuary
Ciappu de Cunche (Vessels Flat)Sanctuary
Colla's Altar RockCup Marked Stone
Cro da Lairi (Thief's pit). Altar's stone.Cup Marked Stone
Della BisciaDolmen / Quoit / Cromlech
Della Biscia. Pria Scugia (Slippery stone)Engraved stone
Deversi Pietra delle MascheCup Marked Stone
Deversi. Sun adorer's engraveEngraved stone
Diana's caveCave / Rock Shelter
Dolmen PlacaDolmen / Quoit / Cromlech
Dolmen Stabile (o Quattromacine)Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech
Faie's Altar Rock (Faires Altar Rock)Cup Marked Stone
Faie's Menhirs (Faires Menhirs)Standing Stone / Menhir
Faie's Menhirs and cupmarked stone(Faires Menhirs)Standing Stones
Fertility's goddessCarving
Frabosa Sottana's Menhirs and BarrowsStanding Stone / Menhir
Ghirgherina Rock (Rocca Ghirgherina)Engraved stone
Giu di GiaiCursus
Giutte's Long CairnLong Cairn
God Pen, Verzi's MenhirStanding Stone / Menhir
Guardian stones on Mount Grosso's path.Standing Stones
Hill on Idro river's valleyHillfort
Holed stone of Saint VitoHoled Stone
Il Piede di Ercole (Hercules foot)
Showing 1-50 of 104 | Next 50
Spencer the Rover

In Yorkshire near Rotherham, he had been on his rambles
Being weary of traveling, he sat down to rest
At the foot of yonder mountain there runs a clear fountain
With bread and cold water he himself did refresh
It tasted more sweeter than the gold he had wasted
More sweeter than honey and gave more content


it's One World.

it's a labour of Love .

Swan was the totemic animal of ancient Ligurians.

In memory of Mr.Mario Fenoglio
Ispettore onorario di Archeologia.

I am a member of The International Institute of Ligurian Studies.

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