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Links by Ligurian Tommy Leggy

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Mount Ciabergia's cromlech (remains)

Monte Ciabergia

About the site with pictures (included one standing stone now not standing anymore...).

Piedmont (Region)

CeSMAP - Centro Studi e Museo d'Arte Preistorica

A very important Prehistoric Study Centre and Museum of Prehistoric Art in Pinerolo, member of IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organisations).

Rock Art and Cup marks of Bessa's Park

Rock engravings made by Salassi an ancient Ligurian tribe.

Peira Eicrita (Engraved stone)

Peira Eicrita

Site's description (in french) where the Stone is defined as an astronomic observatory of the Bronze Age.

Liguria (Region)

The Mark of Cassiopeia Constellation and the Gilded Butterfly

The magnificent Gilded solistice's light Butterfly.

Another look to Ancient Ligurian's Rites.
An Archeoastronomical site.

Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri (sezione di Genova)

About Ligurian Culture.

Libero Centro di Studio e Scoperta della Civiltà Ligure

Finally a site about Ancient Ligurians and about Ligurian Culture!
A serious and worthy site where I have the pleasure and the honour to write too, every now and then, in italian.

Apulia (Region)

Salento Megalitico

A site that shows, with beautiful pictures, some of the important sites of Apulia (Puglia in italian).
It also tells of very interesting studies about megaliths and energies. It's written in Italian at the moment but I hope it will be soon translate because I really think those studies are worthy!

Vallée des Merveilles (Engraved stone)

Rock Art in the Alps- Mount Bego Petroglyphs

A guide to the engravings of the Valley of Marvels and Mount Bego, the sacred mountain and main open air sanctuary of Ancient Ligurians.
(in english-french and italian, with photo gallery).

Roccias Fenestre (Sacred Hill)

Preistoria nelle valli di Cuneo

Vallée des Merveilles (Engraved stone)

Site Officiel du musée des merveilles

The museum of marvels...the museum of the "Valley of Marvels"(Valléè des Merveilles) sited in the National Parc of Mercantour south-east of France beside Liguria (once part of Liguria). Mount Bego and the Valley of Marvels is the main sanctuary of ancient Ligurians. Where Ligurians made thousands of engravings as sign of devotion.

Tuscany (Region)

Statue-Stele. The Stelae-Statues of Lunigiana.

The Stelae-Statues of Lunigiana
The Prehistoric monuments of north-western Tuscany (near Liguria). Site in english. See also: . Site in Italian.

Lombardy (Region)

Rock Art in the Alps-Valcamonica Rock Art

Site in english and italian where are described and pictured the many engravings of the Valley, the Naquane national park.
Valcamonica is part of the UNESCO world heritage List.
See also:

Liguria (Region)

Archeoastronomia Ligustica

Professional site where are showed studies of archaeoastronomy and megalitism, rupestral engravings, palaeoethnology and archaeology in Liguria and out of Liguria.

Piedmont (Region)

Archivio Online. Incontro con la Cultura Montana.Regione Piemonte

Italy. Piedmont. See on the site also Indice (Index).
Partially translated in English.
A site about Mountain's Culture including rock's engravings and rock art.
Spencer the Rover

In Yorkshire near Rotherham, he had been on his rambles
Being weary of traveling, he sat down to rest
At the foot of yonder mountain there runs a clear fountain
With bread and cold water he himself did refresh
It tasted more sweeter than the gold he had wasted
More sweeter than honey and gave more content


it's One World.

it's a labour of Love .

Swan was the totemic animal of ancient Ligurians.

In memory of Mr.Mario Fenoglio
Ispettore onorario di Archeologia.

I am a member of The International Institute of Ligurian Studies.

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