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Fieldnotes by Andy Brooks

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Tyrebagger (Stone Circle)

I have to agree with Chris. I have just retuned from a trip to Aberdeenshire and visited as manysites as I could. On the first day i visited Cullerlie, Sunhoney (lovely), Midmar Kirk. East Aquorthies and then Loanhead. Finally I decided to try to find Tyrebagger as I was heading back to Aberdeen. It's not easy but eventually i found the farm track and drove up to the farm where the farmer was more than helpful, many thanks to him given the current situation with Foot an Mouth. I walked up the hill to the circle which is always visible even from a distance. No photo I had previously seen nor site visited ealier in the day had prepared me for this wonderful place. None of the modern intrusions matter, in fact they are hardly noticable, such is the power of this place. It is truly awesome and has to be one of the best sites I have ever been to. The effort is certainly worth it. Of all the recumbent cirles in the area the only one which comes close is Sunhoney, the others (East Aquorthies, Loanhead, Midmar Kirk etc) are all rather sterile in comparison. If you find yourself in the Aberdeen area you owe it to yourself to get to this circle.

Barbrook I (Stone Circle)

If you are out and about in Derbyshire then I can recommend avisit to Barbrook Moor. Not only is there the circle shown in the Modern Antiquarian but on the moor itself are two more stone circles (No's 2 and 3), loads of burial cairns and small ring-cairns and just down the pathe from Barbrook 1 is a row of (i think) 9 quite large stones. I love going to this place as I always stumble accross something new eveytime I go there.
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