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Beltane at Thornborough Henge 2005

Celebrate the ancient festival of Beltane at one of Britain's most important prehistoric sacred sites.

Sunday May 1st 2005. Ceremony begins at 1.00 pm in the central Henge. Everyone welcome!

For more details, including directions and parking, please visit:

Following the success of last years Beltane ceremony at Thornborough Henge we have been given permission to do it all over again. Special reference was made to the fact that last year we left absolutely no litter behind, so well done everybody.

In 2004 I asked people to dress-up for the event, and top prize had to go to the guy who came as a Druidic Knight in full battle dress: This year, can anyone top that? My additional request is for anyone who is noisily musical to bring their drums, pipes, didgeridoos or spoons to the event.

Last years ceremony had a distinctly bovine theme, featuring as it did, a pantomime cow being chased between two fires (like what they used to do with real cows). This year, following the recent discovery of the ritual burial of four horses near to Thornborough Henge (dating from Celtic times) the ceremony will have a more equestrian (that's a posh word for 'horsey') theme.

We are starting a little bit earlier this year, so after the ceremony if anybody wants to do their own thing, feel free: Whatever you think should go on in a Henge at Beltane (as long as it doesn't involve digging holes). I want Beltane at Thornborough to be an event, like last year, where people come to make something happen, not just to watch something happen. In that spirit, if anyone has any suggestions, please email me:

[email protected]

See you on May 1st.

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